Friday, July 23, 2010

I am fortunate and blessed with a wonderful husband, he works hard so that i am able to stay home to give our children the guidence and care that we belive they should have. When he comes home from work, He cooks dinner and takes a very active roll in helping with our children which I gladly accept. In the last couple of weeks we have moved to a new home, and my husband has been hard at work preparing our vacant home to be sold. So, between his full time job and going straight over to work, painting, cleaning, keeping up two yards, I have had little help at home. Waking up at 7am and going strong all day with my children and little to no adult interaction I eagrly await my husbands company. I cant imagine working full time maybe even two jobs, then to come home, feed and give your children all of the attention they need from you which is more than one person could give, on top of taking care of the house. Im tired and I have help. Bless the single moms!!

Don't ask for a light load, but rather ask for a strong back.

- Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful job Michelle! I'm thrilled that you are part of the blogospere...and I'm looking forward to your future posts! Have fun with it!
